Rii to star in Q and Nikon’s upcoming film ‘LUDO’

Rii to star in Q and Nikon's upcoming film 'LUDO'

Bollywood Country

Mumbai, April 7: Bengali actress Rii, who has always caught the attention of movie buffs for her bold characters, to be seen in Q (Quashiq Mukherjee) and Nikon’s upcoming movie ‘LUDO’. Earlier, Rii was seen in movies like Tasher Desh, Gandu, Bishh and Love in India which were also directed by Q. Rii had previously bagged the award for the best actress at Osian’s Cinefan Festival of Asian and Arab Cinema for her movie, ‘Cosmic Sex’.

In Ludo, Rii is again playing a role yet to be seen on Indian screens. The movie is being produced under the banner of Overdose Joint, Q’s production house which is known for making original films, music and designs. This is movie is also co-produced by Idyabooster and Starfire Movies. (Bollywood Country Report)

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Update: 07-April-2014

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