Flandrau and Minneopa State Park Interpretive Programs June 27 & 28

Flandrau State Park Interpretive Programs – June 27

Digital Photography at 4 p.m. Photography is a great way to take some memories home with you after your visit to a state park. Kids will get a chance to learn how to use a digital camera and shoot photos of what interests them. Digital cameras are provided and the kids will be able to print one photo to take with them. Limit of 20 kids (must be 8 years of age and children must be accompanied by an adult). Please sign up at the park office (prior reservation required). Meet at the playground at the Day Use Area near the swimming pond.

What lives in the river; Aquatic Mammals at 7 p.m. – A number of mammals spend a majority of their time in water including beaver, muskrats, otters and mink. Learn how each one of these mammals has special adaptations like the ability to close off their ears and nose from getting water in them or swimming underwater for long distances. As an example, each of these animals has a scent gland near their tail to be used as a way to mark their territories. We will also talk about where they live, what they eat and many other fascinating features. Meet at the playground at the Day Use Area near the swimming pond.

Flandrau State Park is located in New Ulm. Follow Broadway to 10th Street South. Proceed west on 10th Street South up the hill to Summit Avenue. Turn left and proceed three blocks to the park entrance, next to the New Ulm Country Club. For more information on Flandrau State Park, including a virtual tour of the park, visit mndnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/flandrau/index.html

Minneopa State Park Interpretive Programs – June 28

Zebra Mussels at 1 p.m. – Take a minute or two to hear about an invasive species that has made its way from Eastern Europe and Western Russia to Minnesota. After being dumped in Lake Superior from the ballast of ships, zebra mussels have spread across the state and become very destructive to native mussel populations. Learn how you can make a difference to stop the spread of zebra mussels and other invasive species like leafy spurge, Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Carp. Please meet at the waterfalls side of Minneopa State Park.

Animal Tracks and Signs at 3 p.m. – Animals of all sizes and shapes live around us and for the most part we only know this from the signs they leave behind. Tracks are usually the clue we pick up especially when there is fresh mud, wet dirt, snow, etc. Other signs of an animal can be a feather, piece of fur, a bone, scat or even something as simple as a hole dug into the ground. We will take a hike to identify a wide range of animal signs and tracks along with the chance to make our own tracks. Please meet at the Group Campground on the campground side.

Coyotes at 7 p.m. – This member of the dog family is one of the most adaptable animals in North America. Coyotes have survived and increased in numbers and territory despite the all-out effort of government agencies to kill the m off. As one of the more misunderstood canine, the coyote has similar and also unique characteristics compared to the wolf and fox. We will talk about how the coyote can live pretty much anywhere including our urban areas and their place in the natural ecosystem. To get a better understanding of it unique characteristics someone will get a chance to dress up like a coyote. Please meet at Group Campground on the campground side of Minneopa State Park.

Minneopa State Park is located off U.S. Highway 169 and State Highway 68, five miles west of Mankato. For more information on Minneopa State Park, including a virtual tour of the park, visit mndnr.gov/state_parks/minneopa/index.html.

A Minnesota State Park pass ($5 daily or $25 yearly) is required to drive into Flandrau and Minneopa state parks and can be purchased at the park offices.

Information is also available by calling Scott Kudelka, Minneopa area naturalist, at 507-384-8890 or by calling the DNR Information Center, 651-296-6157 (888-646-6367 toll free) between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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