55_Digital Photography Tips


Digital Photography Tutorial

Learn to take better pictures

Good photographs are good for both technical and aesthetic reasons. While the aesthetic issuesare a matter of personal taste, many otherwise great photos are spoiled by poor technique. Hereare some things to keep in mind when taking pictures:

1. Get Closer

Most amateur’s frame too far away from their subects. !ook through the “iewfinder# $his isespecially important when photographing people. %rofessionals typically use long lenses &()*+(mm for portraits. Most point and shoot cameras on the other had ha”e -(mm lenses.

2. Include People in your Shots

$he addition of people to pictures add atmosphere and contet. /t makes the subect easier torelate to and sometimes gi”es a sense of scale for small or large obects.

3. Capture ction

0eep the people mo”ing and try to ‘catch the moment’

!. Si”pli#y the Co”position

1imple compositions are easier to understand. 2ncluttered backgrounds offer less todistraction the “iewer and allow them to focus on the subect material