23 Landscape Photography Tips From A Pro

Incoming from 500px, the photography sharing site that my stuff really isn’t anywhere near good enough for: “23 Landscape Photography Tips From A Pro“, the Pro in question being Moldovan Iurie Belegurschi:
…whose own jaw-dropping landscapes never fails [sic] to amaze us.
Indeed, because yes, he’s pretty good:

But the advice is less helpful – and yes, I’m being a bit cynical here, but aside from the motivational stuff (“Start with a vision”, “It’s not easy”, “Never stop learning” etc etc), it does seem it does seem to fall, basically, into three broad categories:
Become a full-time photographer
Move to Iceland, and
Buy expensive equipment.
I’d wager that at least two, if not all three of those, are somewhat beyond the bounds of possibility for the majority of my readership.That said, if you can do it (like Iurie did), then perhaps you too could produce stuff like this:

Stunning. And do go and have a look at the rest of his stuff, if only because Iceland.
For the rest of us, it’s equally(?) beautiful Cape Town, with our flimsy tripods and our point-and-shoots. And the hope that one day we get especially lucky.
Photo credits: Iurie Belegurschi