DIY Space Mission: First Lego Space Shuttle into the Stratosphere [VIDEO] – Digital Photography …

A Post By: Darren Rowse

This one isn’t strictly ‘digital photography’ but it I’m sure you’ll forgive me once you see what it is.

What happens when you take a GoPro HD video camera, GPS unit, a lego space shuttle and strap it to a Weather Balloon filled with helium.

What happens is a spectacular video and possibly the first lego space shuttle into the Stratosphere!

[embedded content]

Hopefully you’ll forgive me for a non strictly digital photography entry. One of the guys behind the launch is a friend and I thought dPS readers might enjoy it as it is visual and is a pretty incredible example of a DIY project which I know many readers here love.

Read the full story behind the launch here.

Update: for a similar project – check out Project Stratos-Sphere. More cool videos and still photography with a similar concept. Thanks to Matt in comments for the link.